Welcome To Craig Akin upright & electric Bass Player
My new solo bass album "Me, My Bass and I" is out now! Head over to My Bandcamp to order CD or download.
"Craig Akin’s Solo Bass recording is some beautiful music. By combining his virtuoso playing and writing with both solo and overdubbed tracks he has created something special. Bravo!"
Dave Stryker
Welcome! I'm an upright and electric bass player in Nashville, TN. I play shows, tour, and record all around the US. I also rent and sell upright basses in Nashville and Kansas City, and I'm a dealer of the famous RC Williams Bass Buggie and Ear Trumpet Labs Nadine bass mic.
"Craig is a great bass player. He's easy to work with on gigs or in the studio and plays several styles with ease."
Pete McCann, Guitarist/Composer/Educator
New York, NY
"This guy has a huge woody sound -- what I would have given for an unaccompanied bass solo!"
Robert Bush, San Diego Reader
San Diego, CA
"In addition to his expertly honed chops, Craig brings an innovative creativity and soulful musicality that raises the bar for everyone else."
Aimee Allen, Vocalist
New York, NY
"When Craig comes into the studio I already know the bottom of this mix is going to kill. His feeling and musicianship is unmatched in my book."
Jon Castelli, The Hit Lab
Los Angeles
Upright & Electric Bass VIDEO montage #2
"TONE!...few of us think about our sound as much as Craig does. He can play in any style, in any key, read charts or improvise. Whether it's on upright or electric bass, Craig is a total pro, a great musician and a great guy."
Nathan Bliss, Barnaby Bright
"Akin is equally impressive on electric bass or upright. He's got enormous technique, great imagination, and an approach to his instrument that is unusual and fresh."
Rich Hill, Jazz Ambassador Magazine
Kansas City, MO